Winning vs playing, atomics, pursuit vs craft, TV shows, speed to value, timewasters
Shipwrecks, worldbuilding 101, obituaries, rare air, money points, systems vs ideas
Month 13 Strategy Update, Income, Info Pipes, Main Characters, Automation, Vlogs
AntiPatterns, The Smart Kid Trap, Short-Form SuperTips, Lottery Numbers, Ghost Protocol
Rocky, Blue Stripes Over Checks, Press, Everything Matters
Fame vs Influence, Defining Success, The Duration of Stardom, Inspiration, Content's Biggest Contradiction
Year 1 Review, Year 1 Biggest Learnings, Year 2 Strategy Outlook
The realness epidemic, creative priming, Blueprint Month 12, no soliciting, Kallawisms
Grooves, Content Armies, Scheduled Rest, The Future of Attribution, Content Factories
The Zuck Interview BTS, Learn Do Teach Sell, Genius PR, Mystery Box
Month 12 Strategy Update; The Samurai, The Smith & The Swordsman; The Psychology of Traction