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  • šŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸš€ Blueprint 054

šŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸš€ Blueprint 054

Rocky, Blue Stripes Over Checks, Press, Everything Matters

Welcome back to Blueprint, a weekly series where I share an unfiltered, behind-the-scenes look into my journey as a creator entrepreneur.

Itā€™s been 54 weeks (1 year + 2 weeks) since I went full-time.


šŸ“ˆ | Week 54 Metrics

šŸ„Š | Rocky

ā˜‘ļø | Blue Stripes Over Checks

šŸŽ² | Press

šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø | Everything Matters

A reminder that the internet game is not zero-sum. Everyone reading this can win at an unlimited scale. Iā€™m writing this for the internet astronauts building their own worlds. If thatā€™s youā€¦letā€™s ride šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸš€


Active Channels: YouTube | Instagram | X | Tiktok | LinkedIn | WavyWorld

Week 54 Metrics + Updates
  • šŸ§® | Video Traction: Metrics (views/engagement) continuing to look strong. Videos seem to be resonating and general style is still working. Going to keep hammering it. Experimented with a more laidback delivery in this video about Friend (AI wearable). It crushed on Tiktok and LinkedIn, didnā€™t outperform on IG. First time Iā€™ve made a video that felt close to the tone I actually speak with. Going to try this more. Lmk if you like this style

  • šŸš€ | Audience Growth: Super strong audience growth this week. My profiles finally seem optimized and more sticky (e.g., more of the new eyes hitting them are converting into followers/subscribers). Will write a section about Sticky Pages in the future if thereā€™s interest

  • šŸŽ„ | YouTube Split Channels: I continue to get several comments that people think my long-form YouTube videos ā€œdeserve more views.ā€ Still trying to diagnose why they arenā€™t ripping. My short-form and long-form YouTube strategies are different so Iā€™m going to start posting them on separate channels. I have a hunch that my short-form (tech/business) watchers are not clicking through to my longer-form (content strategy/blueprint deep dives) because they cover different topic buckets. Iā€™m catering to two different audiences but the YouTube algo is tuned to analyze channel performance by combining them into one. Moving forward, Iā€™ll post my long-form YouTube videos here and my short-form videos here. Will report back if I see that splitting them out starts working. Do me a solid and follow my shorts channel to signal to the algo that it isnā€™t spam

  • šŸ’¬ | Blueprint AMA: Iā€™d love to experiment with an AMA version of Blueprint. Iā€™m open to answering any question you have about content, marketing, personal branding, entrepreneurship, AI use cases, or life philosophyā€¦can be specific or broad! Iā€™ll record detailed responses and share the written versions here as well. If you have a question, youā€™d like me to answerā€¦drop it here

  • šŸ“² | Blueprint Audio: Beehiiv (my email platform) just launched a way to have an AI voice narrate an audio read of each episode. Iā€™ve turned it on so youā€™ll see a ā€œListen Onlineā€ button at the top of Blueprint. Naturally, I picked the silkiest Brit I could find. If you prefer listening vs reading, give this a try and let me know what you think


One of my favorite entrepreneur creators to follow is Alex Hormozi.

I like him because he has a proven track record of legitimate financial success ($100M+ net worth at 31 years old) mixed with a no nonsense yet inspirational delivery style.

I love his take on the Rocky cut scene.

If you think about any inspirational movie, especially one about a fighter, thereā€™s always a training montage.

It usually lasts for 3-5 minutes and shows the protagonist turning into an absolute savage. Thereā€™s uplifting music, crazy workouts, and you can see the transformation happening in real-time.

At the end of the scene, the movie typically rolls right into the main event, whether it be a prize fight, heist, or big game.

In culture, we watch these movies knowing they arenā€™t real, yet our subconscious often anchors baseline expectations to them.

One of the reasons people get impatient with success is because these Hollywood stories have warped our sense for whatā€™s normal.

5 minutes to become a champion is not normal. 5 years to become a champion is.

Hormoziā€™s quote on thisā€¦

Itā€™s helpful to remind yourself that the agitation you feel for not being where you want is not only normal, but necessary.

Another example of this is when you hear seasoned leaders give introductions of themselves.

They often say something like, ā€œYeah, I spent 10 years here and another 8 years here before ultimately starting at Xā€

They throw around 10 years like itā€™s an appetizer.

And often times, they donā€™t even mention the first 5-10 years of their career when they were still wandering.

Itā€™s a long game.

Blueprint Year 1 Recap Video

We just posted the full Blueprint Year 1 video breakdownā€¦one of my favorite videos to date! Full video link.

This episode covers:

  • šŸ§® | Year 1 Metrics

  • šŸ§ | Biggest wins, losses, and takeaways

  • šŸŽÆ | Year 2 Strategy Adjustments

  • šŸ«” | Helpful learnings and mindset shifts from Year 1

Blue Stripes Over Checks

Ahh the blue checkā€¦many thought it would forever be societyā€™s last bastion of digital status.

Then, a few years ago, Elon and Zuck created a shortcut path that allowed anyone with $10/month to buy their way into the verified club.

Overnight, the value of having the blue check went to zero.

Or did it?

In the first era of social media, the blue check was synonymous with a verifiable person of influence.

Two components = verification & influence

As soon as Elon/Zuck made it possible to purchase, the blue check became only useful for verification.

In the current social era, if someone has the blue check on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Threads, you know theyā€™re a human and thatā€™s about it.

But hereā€™s where things get interestingā€¦

In the future, I think that original combination of verification + influence will be 1000x more valuable than it ever was.

Iā€™m calling it blue stripes (just so the title could be cheekyā€¦go with me).

What happens when AI content tools get 100x better?

Iā€™d expect weā€™ll see millions of digital influencers with profiles that are indistinguishable from humans.

They will use a combination of HeyGen/Synthesia + Midjourney + Claude 3.5 + Eleven Labs to create content that is as good or better than mine is today.

But how will they be as good as the real me?

They will train their scriptwriting models on all of my videos, design a character that is the best looking person youā€™ve ever seen, and have lifelike facial expressions and movements.

Oh yeah, and theyā€™ll make them speak with a British accent.

It will become so easy to make these characters that anyone will be able to print Hugh Jackmans at will.

This means content platforms (if run the same way they are now) will be full of insanely high quality, AI-generated content.

Flooded with itā€¦Noahā€™s Ark level flooded.

And you might be thinking the same thing I was when I came to this realizationā€¦


Because if there are millions of these Brad Pitt looking, Benedict Cumberbatch sounding, Walt Disney storytelling profiles, how will I ever stand out?

You wonā€™tā€¦unless youā€™ve already built a verifiable reputation of influence.

The new blue check wonā€™t be a blue checkā€¦itā€™ll be your digital fingerprint, a personal brand so well known in your niche that viewers default to you over the endless stream of robot generated content.

I call it blue stripes because the only people that will have it are those that have earned their stripes during this last ā€œhuman-onlyā€ era.

Think about itā€¦

The same way people buy local farm-grown produce or local handmade crafts at the flea market will become how they decide which media to consume.

If you have access to everything, it must mean something for you to spend time consuming it.

At any time a user could jump on a perfectly dialed ā€œFor Youā€ superhighwayā€¦or you could ā€œconsume localā€ and support your favorite creator.

To watch your stuff, people might need to go out of their wayā€¦which is why theyā€™ll need to know who you are.

I believe right now is the most important time in history to go all-in on building a personal brand because it may be the last era where youā€™re only competing with other humans.

Itā€™s not that human players wonā€™t exist in the futureā€¦of course they will.

But if you havenā€™t built a critical mass of verifiable reputation before the AI content tools cross the chasm, itā€™ll be 1000x harder to establish one from scratch.

If thereā€™s a Louvre in every city, why would you visit the real one in Paris?

Youā€™d only go if you knew the one in Paris was the real one.

But which one are you visiting if you donā€™t know where the real one is? Iā€™d guess, whichever is easiest to get to.

Itā€™s possible that the most valuable media IP in the next era is the set of creator personal brands that established fandom before the AI wave.


After that uplifting bitā€¦hereā€™s a fun metaphor about playing craps!

Iā€™m not a gambler, but my favorite thing in the world is to play craps (gamblerā€™s anonymous is rolling their eyes)

If you havenā€™t played, the basic strategy is to bet that a certain number will be rolled before a 7.

If it is, and you bet on that number, you win. If a 7 comes before that number hits, you lose your bet.

Iā€™m sure many of you are thinking, where tf is this dude going with thisā€¦

If you watch legit craps players play, a common way to win a ton of money is to bet all the numbers at the same time and PRESS your advantage when youā€™re on a hot roll.

For simplicity, letā€™s assume you had bet $25 on each the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 (ignore everything else in the pic).

All you need to happen is any of those numbers to be rolled before a 7 and you win.

Letā€™s say an 8 is rolled.

A beginner player would be handed $30 in winnings (the payout is 6:5). They would then take that $30, pocket it, and hope another number is rolled. If another 8 is rolled, the player makes another $30.

An advanced player would tell the dealer to press. Maybe theyā€™ll put $15 of the $30 in their pocket, but then leave the other $15 on the 8.

Now their bet on the 8 is $40.

If another 8 hits, they now win another $48 instead of another $30.

Iā€™ve seen craps rolls go for 30+ rolls, where six 8ā€™s hit in row. If someone was pressing the whole way, they make $300-$500 per hit.

Hereā€™s the truthā€¦pressing doesnā€™t always work in craps because the game is rigged against you. The house always has an advantage.

But pressing does work in business because often times, youā€™re the house.

Just like in craps, the goal is to find the spot in your business where you have a unique leverage advantage over the field and press as hard as you can.

For you, maybe thatā€™s your unique advantage to create a certain type of content or your ability to hire A-players.

Chances are, there is one thing that youā€™re unnaturally good at.

Create conditions so that you can do more of that thing.

Look for ways to press your advantage.

Everything Matters

Iā€™ve always believed that everything matters.

The way you tie your shoes. The way you approach that hungover workout. The way you answer your email.

Every little thing matters.

And it matters not because of how the outputs will be perceived by others, but because of what it signals to yourself about who you are.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

And if you believe youā€™re the type of person that crushes everything, you can crush anything.

My college roommate Sam had a bit about this that Iā€™ll never forget.

Someone asked why he was confident he was going to win.

He said the coldest thing Iā€™ve ever heardā€¦

ā€œThere isnā€™t one area where Iā€™m going to be significantly better than you. There might even be some where Iā€™m worse. And you wonā€™t feel the disadvantageā€¦you may not even notice it. But Iā€™m going to try slightly harder than you at every single little thing I do. And over time, those slight imperceptible efforts are going to matter. Because at the end, when they add up, Iā€™m going to have beaten you and youā€™re going to have no idea how it happenedā€

We were playing beer pong.

Everything matters.


My best content from last week:

  1. šŸ¤– | Meta rolled out the future of Creator AIs: Watch

  2. šŸ‘€ | Are we living in an episode of Black Mirror (AI Friend launch): Watch

  3. šŸŽ™ļø | My appearance on The 505 podcast: Watch

  4. šŸŽÆ | Use this easy framework to focus better & lock in (Blueprint 53): Watch

  5. āš–ļø | Should I stop posting shorts & go all-in on YouTube (Blueprint Month 8): Watch

  6. šŸ§‘šŸ¼ā€šŸš€ | Blueprint (Week 53) - Fame vs Influence, Defining Success, The Duration of Stardom, Inspiration, Content's Biggest Contradiction: Read

If you enjoy reading Blueprint consistently, let me know how I can improve it to make it more valuable for you. I read and respond to every message!